Dyslexia Intervention

Dyslexia Therapy

Providing one on one or small group therapy for children or adults with reading issues due to dyslexia.

a proven therapy


Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder that is neurological in origin. Characteristics include difficulties with decoding skills, word reading, reading fluency, reading accuracy, comprehension and spelling.  Proven multisensory, structured language programs have been developed to help address and mitigate these difficulties.

When a child exhibits the tendencies and symptoms of dyslexia, the parent and often the teacher will recommend the child be evaluated by person qualified to assess the child. Early identification and intervention are essential to help prevent the secondary and often debilitating effects of low self-esteem.

A proven curriculum that is the refined fruit of years of medical research, clinical trials, instructional application and ongoing improvement.  Take Flight is a research based curriculum written by the staff of Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.   Robin Cowsar and the staff at Dyslexia Intervention who deliver Take Flight are certified in the delivery of this THE MOST CURRENT RELEASE of Dyslexia Curriculum delivered in a specific therapeutic environment.  This multi-sensory program was designed for used with children 7 years and older who have  dyslexia and contains the five components of effective reading instruction supported by the National Reading Panel.

Pre Flight

Early Dyslexia Intervention for children that are not diagnosed as dyslexic but exibit early symptoms.  A precursor to Take Flight.

Take Flight

A comprehansive intervention for students with Dyslexia.  A Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children Curriculum. 


Staff of Dyslexia Intervention have experience in early intervention strategies for dyslexia which include the delivery of the Pre-Flight Curriculum for students under the age of 7, laying the foundation for the Pre-flight student to begin to develop skills necessary Take Flight intervention therapy.

Often a child's phonemic awareness is so underdeveloped that the child requires individualized, one on one therapy to lay the groundwork for the more comprehensive Pre-Flight or Take Flight curriculum. 

Providing Dyslexia Therapy, Education and Consulting